About Us
How Can PIPCO Worldwide Help You?
For nearly 30 years, PIPCO-Worldwide has been a trusted independent bladder supplier to over 100 tire plants globally. We specialize as an independent bladder producer with one goal — to be a safety net to our customers. With PIPCO-Worldwide you’ll benefit from:
- Production of Bladders Using YOUR Molds
- The Industry’s Lowest Minimum Order Quantities
- Turn-Around as Fast as 3-Days
- 100% Confidential Technical Assistance
- 30 Years of Logistics Experience
In short, PIPCO-Worldwide can become your trusted supplier of low volume sizes to insure you have no production disruptions.
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Please call today to get in touch with a representative in your area.
Phone 1-800-237-1713

Polymer makes bladders from our mold and to our specifications. Their integrity and confidentiality have worked for us for the past eighteen years.
European International Customer
Quality. Quality. Quality. This is what we get from Polymer.
South America International Customer
Polymer customer service have proven invaluable in handling difficult logistic issues quickly and efficiently.
Africa International Customer