How to Store Tire Bladders
Do you have problems with cure rates? It could be your storage procedures. Here's why... Ultraviolet light and ozone cause the most damage to rubber parts in storage. They should be stored in a cool, dark, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Additionally, extreme environmental conditions and exposure to oils, solvents and corrosive materials can adversely affect the operation and life exp...
- August 07th, 2013
- Michael
- Technical Advice
PIPCO-Worldwide Launches
Hi there – thanks for visiting our new website! Worldwide-Marketing has rebranded our tire bladder export division as PIPCO-Worldwide to better support the expansion of our program. We’ve built the site to better serve you, the technical plant managers, so please join our mailing list. There you will receive our latest technical updates and industry news.
- June 28th, 2013
- Michael
- Uncategorized
Welcome to the new website!
PIPCO-Worldwide, the exclusive exporter of Polymer Industrial Products line of curing and turn-up bladders for the tire industry, is pleased to announce our new website. Be sure and sign up for our newsletter and contact us if you would like to learn more about the product, or request a free sample.
- May 31st, 2013
- administrator
- News
Contact Us Today!
Email sales@picoworldwide.com
Phone 1-800-237-1713
Polymer makes bladders from our mold and to our specifications. Their integrity and confidentiality have worked for us for the past eighteen years.
Quality. Quality. Quality. This is what we get from Polymer.
Polymer customer service have proven invaluable in handling difficult logistic issues quickly and efficiently.